
Health Promotion Alliance

What we Do!


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Background of Health Promotion

The Ottawa Charter defines Health Promotion as ‘a process of enabling people and groups to increase control over and to improve their health and quality of life.’ Therefore, HP is not only the responsibility of the health sector but goes beyond healthy life style to well being. The concept of health promotion is driven by the concern for equity in health and calls for participation of individuals, families and communities as key actors in improving a population’s health

The purpose of health promotion is to positively influence the health behavior of individuals and communities as well as the living and working conditions that influence their health. It is a concept that is of high relevance specially to resource poor countries and uses a very holistic development approach, which addresses social, emotional, cultural and systems related aspect of determinants of health. It is made up of different health components which constitute the following:

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Gender Hub

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Gender Hub

Gender is a socially constructed roles shaped by cultural attributes and acts as risk factors. Communicating risk, raising awareness, and sensitizing the community on certain diseases especially infectious diseases requires consideration of gender differences which can varies from culture to culture and from one community to another. The team at HPAC considers gender responsive approaches in advocacy activities and inform policy.

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Health Promoting Schools Initiative

HPAC aims to strengthen the capacity of schools and staff in building a health environment for living, learning, and working. HPAC collaborates with schools and the regional delegation for basic and secondary education to implement projects, identify gaps across schools and design innovative intervention, enhance healthy living communities, and raise awareness through advocacy activities to strengthen a healthy environment in schools.

health promotion school
advocacy activities

Advocacy Activities

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Advocacy Activities

On March HPAC joined voices with the regional delegation of Basic Education for South West Region Cameroon to celebrate the International Mother tongue day. HPAC sensitized on the importance of using the local dialects amongst other spoken languages to raise awareness on COVID19 risk factors amongst pupils in schools


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Youth Hub

Most of the population in Cameroon is made up of youths and some of the disease’s conditions developed at later stages in life are because of youthful lifestyles. This team is focused on recognizing the role of peer to peer communication and youth champions and leadership in raising awareness and advocating for healthy policies that incorporates youth perspectives.


Health Literacy

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Health Literacy

Improving health literacy in populations provides the foundation on which citizens are enabled to play an active role in improving their health status, engage successfully with community action for health, and push governments to meet their responsibilities in addressing health and health equity. Health Promotion Alliance is interested in raising the literacy level of the population through its health education, seminars and sensitization campaigns and advocacy activities.

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Non-Communicable Diseases

NCDs threaten progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes a target of reducing premature deaths from NCDs by one-third by 2030. To reduce the burden of these diseases, Health Promotion Alliance Cameroon is focused on minimizing the burden of diseases by collaborating with the district health teams in promoting and advocating for a healthy living for the community.

Non-Communicable Diseases


Communicable Diseases

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Communicable Diseases

With the high prevalence of communicable diseases Africa, such as malaria, AIDS and Tuberculosis, attaining the Sustainable Development Goal is a great challenge. To promote healthy living and fight against non-communicable diseases, HPAC intend to provide sound contributions to improve the quality of lives in the community through promotion and advocacy for sustainable policies decisions.

Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19

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Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19

The fight against COVID-19 and the barrier measures put in place has exposed populations to numerous social determinants of health such as adverse working conditions, growing economic disparities, and inadequate distribution of social amenities. The team at HPAC is focused on creating awareness, educate, train, and sensitize the community on social determinants of health and advocate for a sustainable healthy living.


Mental Health Hub

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Mental Health Hub

The emotional, psychological, and social well-being of an individual play vital roles to their health status. This hub provides and connects the population to mental health resources, education, and services in their community and support advocacy activities in the community.

enhance the community

Research & Publication

The team is focused on conducting primary research to generate data and inform health promotion strategies and contextualized innovative interventions, implementing intervention based on best practices informed by primary research. The research team also train and conducts scoping and systematic reviews to identify gaps and inform policy. Generate policy briefs to translate research to inform policy.

Research & Publication

Areas of focus for Health promotion

The health promotion (HP) concept is based on five areas